Tuesday, February 8, 2011

How Smart, How Safe?

With the ever advancing technology, our world is becoming more and more controlled, automated, and digital. There are great benefits to such evolution of technology, yet with those benefits come a few perils. Acknowledging the dangers and taking cautious steps to ensure that at the end of the day we are the ones in control of technology and not the other way around is vital to our success in the future. Today's computers are able to control everything from planes, trains, all the way down to our own car's safety systems. When everything functions flawlessly, we reap the benefits of not having an extra little thing to worry about, yet when technology fails, the results may be deadly. This is ever so evident in the case where a faulty computer software caused a plane crash. Read more at:
This is just one of many cases where over reliance on technology has caused tragic results. Other examples included computer controlled trains running off tracks or into one another due to a system glitch. Case in point is the DC train crash which happened not so long ago. Information can be found on: http://articles.sfgate.com/2009-06-24/news/17208134_1_train-crash-new-cars
Because any system is prone to failure, it is essential that we keep a stronger human presence over any machine. While technology can be of great aid, it should never be completely depended on, or used to replace human beings.